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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

TIME: The Illusion of a Lifetime

Hey guys! How's life? I haven't gotten the chance to update because of school and busy stuff so.... Anyways, you might be curious as to what this post is about. Well, ever heard how God made the whole universe in just 6 days? But then, we find proof like rocks that age back to 65-67 billion years ago? Yeah... it makes you think about the origin of the universe. I was discussing this with some atheist friends of mine. NOTE: Some people just despise and judge atheists, but they're not cold, heartless, bloody killers. They're people who strive to get the facts (at least the ones I know :D). My atheist friends accept and embrace my Christian-ness and I'm okay with their atheism. Doesn't mean I like the fact that they're atheists, and it doesn't mean they're going to convert into "super holy, Republican (no offense) no nonsense Christians". Personally, I take offense when people assume Christians to be like that. It's just stupid... Anyways, my point here is, don't judge, listen and learn, have a heart like Jesus who ate with sinners and stood with Gentiles. Don't be an arrogant Christian bastard, please, it just ruins our image. 
BACK TO THE TOPIC!!! Sorry for that rant. So yeah, my friends (a Jew, two agnostics, and an atheist), and I were discussing the ever-present element of time. Time is weird, no? It's always there, but always different. Looking at it from a Christian point of view, one could say "It depends on whether you believe God could actually make the Earth in 6 days." I for one think that YEAH, OF COURSE HE CAN, HE'S GOD!!!!!!!!! But not everyone sees it that way. Others are like, "Oh yeah, sure, then why would our beloved God try to trick us by putting rocks that look that they took 50 million years to make but were really made in just a day?" Did that sound sarcastic? Sorry, I didn't mean it to... Anyways, I'm not sure about the real answer but the Bible says this:  But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 2 Peter 3:8.  I have to say, a verse like that makes one think. Questions, Comments, Arguments, Critiques? All are welcome. Thanks guys